
Nolan's response to Jeff

If Jeff responds to this 2 year olds diss via blog, then he will have joined us in the blog community and either consider himself a looser or take back his inacurate judgement on a very popular world. If he doesn't respond then he will have been outdone by a 2 year old...what will Jeff do???

See the video Nolan is responding too by clicking here: Amy's Blog


  1. Anonymous25.8.08

    To NOLAN:
    From the Coffee Junkie

    Dear Nolan, you are right...Blogs are cool for anyone under the age of 18... other than that buddy they are just a sad reflection of adults who have too much time on their hands that like to accentuate their own importance by spouting stories and anecdotes through words and pictures in the hopes that their own self importance will be bolstered by the support of others who are yearning for the same as well...As for you...i will watch or read a blog by you any day because anything you say will actually be worthwhile unlike adult bloggers...peace buddy...blessings

  2. Anonymous27.8.08

    wow. a 2 year old burn (that was epic) and that was the best come back jeff had? yeah i guess he jumped out of line when they were handing out brains or at least sense. poor guy...haha
