
organized team sports has begun

Nolan and I went to the parent meeting for soccer at the YMCA. He was really excited but I think I might have been even more. When Nolan was getting dressed to go he said, "Dad, I'm going to be a soccer-aholic." When we got there he saw his friend Luke and they were both thrilled. We ended up inviting them over to play a little backyard soccer and cook some steaks on the grill. We played a dad vs. son game. They may have struggled a bit with their foot skills but after scoring they had their celebration down; high fives and all.

He will be practicing one day a week and his games are on Saturdays. This is the start to what I am sure is a long road to many practices and games, but I can't wait!


  1. Anonymous26.2.10

    Believe it or not I miss those days of practices!! Enjoy every minute of it.
    But now all I have to do is come watch...that's even better just see the games but don't have to be the taxi!!Loving it..can't wait to see one
    Love Mom

  2. I guess thats why we are eventually getting a mini van. 2 boys will have us prepared for working as taxi drivers in NYC in no time...haha
